Support Policies#
Support Policies are a very important feature when considering different energy market designs. A support policy allows to influence the cash flow of unit, making decisions more profitable.
One can differentiate between support policies which influence the available market capacity (product_type=`energy``) and those which do not.
If the product_type is energy, the volume used for the contract can not be additionally bid on the EOM.
All the support policies are only available when using a Market with the MarketMechanism
Example Policies#
Feed-In-Tariff - FIT#
To create a Feed-In-Tariff (Einspeisevergütung) one has a contract which sets a fixed price for all produced energy. The energy can not be additionally sold somewhere else (product_type=`energy`).
The Tariff is contracted at the beginning of the simulation and is valid for X days (1 year).
The payout is executed on a different repetition schedule (monthly). For this, the output_agent is asked how much energy an agent produced in the timeframe.
This is essentially the same as a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), except that the payment of FIT is continuous and not monthly or yearly.
Contract for Differences - CfD#
A fixed LCoE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is set as a price, if an Agent accepts the CfD contract, it has to bid at the hourly EOM - the difference of the market result is paid/received to/from the contractor.