Reinforcement Learning Algorithms#
In the chapter Reinforcement Learning Overview we got a general overview of how RL is implemented for a multi-agent setting in Assume. If you want to apply these RL algorithms to a new problem, you do not necessarily need to understand how the RL algorithms work in detail. All that is needed is to adapt the bidding strategies, which is covered in the tutorial. However, for the interested reader, we will give a brief overview of the RL algorithms used in Assume. We start with the learning role, which is the core of the learning implementation.
The Learning Role#
The learning role orchestrates the learning process. It initializes the training process and manages the experience gained in a buffer. It also schedules policy updates, thus bringing critic and actor together during the learning process. Specifically, this means that at the beginning of the simulation we schedule recurrent policy updates, where the output of the critic is used as a loss for the actor, which then updates its weights using backward propagation.
With the learning role, we can also choose which RL algorithm should be used. The algorithm and the buffer have base classes and can be customized if needed. But without touching the code there are easy adjustments to the algorithms that can and eventually need to be done in the config file. The following table shows the options that can be adjusted and gives a short explanation. For more advanced users, the functionality of the algorithm is also documented below.
learning config item
Whether to use pre-learned strategies and then continue learning.
Where to store the newly trained rl strategies - only needed when learning_mode is set
If pre-learned strategies should be used, where are they stored? - only needed when continue_learning
The maximum bid price which limits the action of the actor to this price.
Should we use learning mode at all? If not, the learning bidding strategy is overwritten with a default strategy.
Specifies which algorithm to use. Currently, only MATD3 is implemented.
The architecture of the neural networks used in the algorithm for the actors. The architecture is a list of names specifying the “policy” used e.g. multi layer perceptron (mlp).
The learning rate, also known as step size, which specifies how much the new policy should be considered in the update.
Which learning rate decay to use. Defaults to None. Currently only “linear” decay available.
The number of training episodes, whereby one episode is the entire simulation horizon specified in the general config.
The number of episodes collecting initial experience, whereby this means that random actions are chosen instead of using the actor network
Defines the frequency in time steps at which the actor and critic are updated.
The number of gradient steps.
The batch size of experience considered from the buffer for an update.
The discount factor, with which future expected rewards are considered in the decision-making.
The device to use.
The standard deviation of the distribution used to draw the noise, which is added to the actions and forces exploration.
Determines how quickly the noise weakens over time / used for noise scheduling.
The scale of the noise, which is multiplied by the noise drawn from the distribution.
Which action noise decay to use. Defaults to None. Currently only “linear” decay available.
The number of steps considered for early stopping. If the moving average reward does not improve over this number of steps, the learning is stopped.
The value by which the average reward needs to improve to avoid early stopping.
The Algorithms#
TD3 (Twin Delayed DDPG)#
TD3 is a direct successor of DDPG and improves it using three major tricks: clipped double Q-Learning, delayed policy update and target policy smoothing. We recommend reading the OpenAI Spinning guide or the original paper to understand the algorithm in detail.
Original paper:
OpenAI Spinning Guide for TD3:
Original Implementation: sfujim/TD3
In general, the TD3 works in the following way. It maintains a pair of critics and a single actor. For each step (after every time interval in our simulation), we update both critics towards the minimum target value of actions selected by the current target policy:
Every \(d\) iterations, which is implemented with the train_freq, the policy is updated with respect to \(Q_{\theta_1}\) following the deterministic policy gradient algorithm (Silver et al., 2014). TD3 is summarized in the following picture from the authors of the original paper (Fujimoto, Hoof and Meger, 2018).

The steps in the algorithm are translated to implementations in ASSUME in the following way.
The initialization of the actors and critics is done by the assume.reinforcement_learning.algorithms.matd3.TD3.initialize_policy()
function, which is called
in the learning role. The replay buffer needs to be stable across different episodes, which corresponds to runs of the entire simulation, hence it needs to be detached from the
entities of the simulation that are killed after each episode, like the learning role. Therefore, it is initialized independently and given to the learning role
at the beginning of each episode. For more information regarding the buffer see Buffers.
The core of the algorithm is embodied by the assume.reinforcement_learning.algorithms.matd3.TD3.update_policy()
in the learning algorithms. Here, the critic and the actor are updated according to the algorithm.
The network architecture for the actor in the RL algorithm can be customized by specifying the network architecture used. In stablebaselines3 they are also referred to as “policies”. The architecture is defined as a list of names that represent the layers of the neural network. For example, to implement a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architecture for the actor, you can set the “actor_architecture” config item to [“mlp”]. This will create a neural network with multiple fully connected layers.
Other available options for the “policy” include Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTMs). The architecture for the observation handling is implemented from [2]. Note, that the specific implementation of each network architecture is defined in the corresponding classes in the codebase. You can refer to the implementation of each architecture for more details on how they are implemented.
[2] Y. Ye, D. Qiu, J. Li and G. Strbac, “Multi-Period and Multi-Spatial Equilibrium Analysis in Imperfect Electricity Markets: A Novel Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 130515-130529, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2940005.